How many of us don't even know who our authentic self is? I can say I did not and am still learning who that is. I spent more than half of my life trying to be other than me. It did not make me feel happy, joyful, or fulfilled in my life.
Many of us choose not to be the full expression of ourselves because we want to belong and believe that our true expression will not be accepted, loved, or belong. When not being the true expression of ourselves, we do not belong within ourselves, therefore, we do not truly feel we belong with others. We create disharmony within ourselves and with others when we are not authentically ourselves.
What is self-expression/authenticity? Self-expression is the process of manifesting your true self, your inner essence, values, and unique gifts into the world. It involves sharing your authentic self and experiences in ways that align with your beliefs and purpose. Letting go of external expectations and societal pressures and being genuine.
Your expression is yours! It is important to have a system, a community that supports your expression. Choose those who love you as you!
A flower is perfect just as it is. It is the expression of itself. It is the same for us. The more we become the expression of ourselves, the more we find home within. Through this process, we come more into harmony with ourselves. Harmony comes from within us and then flows out to all around us.
Use your unique voice and abilities to connect with others, share your experiences, and contribute positively to your life and the collective experience.
I chose the picture above of my little Misti. She does not care how silly she looks, she does not even think about it. If you have animals, watch how they move through their days, being themselves without a thought about what you think (unless they did something naughty). I know it sounds simple, and it really can be. Let go of the outside influences, the supposed toos. People know when we are not authentic so they are already thinking something about us.
Allowing your authentic self to emerge can lead you down the path of healing and personal growth. Being authentic allows that inner light to shine out and be seen:-)
Be free, be yourself, and be in your creative flow, be authentic! You, like the flower, are beautiful just as you are!